Sunday 17 July 2016

COMIT & IADD4UK - Earthworks challenge

by Iain Miskimmin

We have a challenge, a big challenge and we need a few good engineers to help tackle it!

COMIT members are also by default members of the “Infrastructure Asset Data Dictionary for the UK” group. This group is here to help the UK BIM alliance and the major clients work out how to deliver the biggest and most difficult building block for BIM - the AIR or Asset Data Dictionary.
In short, what information do we need to know about our assets to make good decisions?

Here is a brief (15 minutes, sorry for the dodgy voice over) explanation video of the challenge:

I will be starting on an example asset breakdown structure and critical questions gathering exercise for an Earthwork.

So what do I need from you?

I am looking for your Earthworks experts. From those who design them to those who build them and maintain them. Whether it’s a motorway embankment, an environment agency dam, a railway cutting or some sort of sound bund.

If you can assist, please get in touch!

(P.S. If you are not a COMIT member but believe you can help with this challenge then we would still like to hear from you)

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